Many people really like asparagus – they cut it and place it into various meal servings, or store them in the freezers and use them later. There are many methods for making different dishes out of this veggie, and we’re about to show you one that involves using a dehydrator – it is quick and easy, and we’re pretty sure that you’ll like the results. Let’s have a detailed look at the whole process:
4. The final part of the recipe is the dehydration itself. Lay the chunks of asparagus in single layers onto your trays, and dry them in the dehydrator for at least 12 hours. Make sure to rotate the trays now and then, moving the ones that were closest to heat back to the top, in order to achieve the even drying. Once they’re done, your pieces of dried asparagus’ will be ready for storage.
How to Use the Dried Asparagus
You can use whole chunks in your stews and soups, but always add some additional water to your recipes for the rehydration. It’s not a good idea to put the dry pieces in the stew pot since you’ll have to make additional adjustments to your soup recipe, which almost certainly requires the rehydrated asparagus.
As you can see, the whole process of drying and cooking the asparagus is very easy – and we can assure you that the result is absolutely delicious!
I usually rinse / soak asparagus left-over peelings & pieces in water sterilized with a sprinkle of salt and vinegar…… then slice open scraps & pieces to expose inner pulp, then dry in dehydrator at 135 deg f (without pre-cooking) for 16-20 hours or until dry enough to grind into powder with coffee-grinder. Stores well in left-over jars…..
Powdered asparagus makes great soup using white beans ground into paste, to make cream-of-asparagus soup etc.
thanks fred, asparagus is on sale and I want to process lots**without freezer for longer storage life and i usually avoid the blanch process if the outcome is near the same!